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Question - Freecycle

I know Uki buys stuff through Freecycle, but I think she's on a trip. Does anyone else use this?

I can't find the website...even doing a search...something isn't right and I found the site a couple years ago.

Does anyone have the link or know the exact web cite address?

Re: Question - Freecycle

Hang on...I found it.

Has anyone else ever gotten anything through freecycle? Was it worth your time?

Re: Question - Freecycle

Hi Carrie,

I am back. I LOVE LOVE LOVE freecycle. You don't buy anything - it is all free. Did you find a group in your area? I give away and receive so much with our group. Let me know if I can answer any questions.


Re: Question - Freecycle

Well, I think I got into a group in my area however, I cannot seem to find where anyone is advertising anything they want to get rid of...I still haven't figured out the ends and outs of the site...I think that's my problem anyway.

Re: Question - Freecycle

Ok--I just realized...I have to check my yahoo email. That's where it all goes.

Re: Question - Freecycle

Yes, you will receive the messages at your yahoo address. You can reply back to them right from there or go to your group's home page. You can list items you are looking for as well. I am often amazed at the replies I get when I am in need of an item. I hope you find it to be helpful to you and your family.
