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WI Sun. Aug. 17th

Today was WI day for me and I was down .6 lbs. for a total of 41. We had a different leader today and she was very good. She did a visual with cans of food. 2 cans weighed 1 lb. each and a can that weighed 3 lbs. She had us hold a 1 lb. can to feel how much it weighs. I was surprised at how heavy it felt. Then she did the same with the 3 lb. can. After everyone had held them, she put all 3 in a bag and had you hold the bag. (5 lbs.) The reason being, when you get down about "just" losing 1 lb., or really don't realize how much 5 lbs. weighs, now you can. It really helped to put a visual perspective on things.

Have a great week everyone!


Re: WI Sun. Aug. 17th

Congrats!!!!!! That is a great way to think of it- wow- i just lifted 5 pounds total in cans!! WOW- Thannks you always have such great insight!!! Have a great evening- week- thanks

Re: WI Sun. Aug. 17th

Good for you, Cheryle! Good loss!


Re: WI Sun. Aug. 17th

Cheryle, glad to hear that being back on program resulted in a loss. Congrats

WI Sun. Aug. 17th

Thank you ladies. It feels good to be back on track.
