Well, I am up and at 'em this morning. Yesterday was a nice day. Me and the kids were just here during the day and then when Scott got home around 7:45p, Wes watched the little kids so we could go out to eat. We just went to Burger King, but it was nice. I was OP with a Whopper Junior - no mayo and a small onion rings and a diet coke.
Today Wes has a doctor's appointment in the morning, then I will get a bike ride and then he and Anna head over to a friend's house for a sleepover.
Good morning everyone! I don't have any big plans today. We have 100% chance of rain today, so I will probably just stay in and try to get my house cleaned up. Yuck! If the rain holds off, I will go buy groceries after I get the kids to school. Other than that, I will be OP.
Good morning! Man, I had a short night, LOL. We have someone wanting to see our house this morning, so I was up all night cleaning. We are having an open house on Sunday afternoon, but apparently they want to see it today. Anyway, it's hard to get every single little thing in it's place and get 2 kids ready to go out the door before 8:15. I did it, but boy, my energy is gone. My life really has lots of stress in it right now.
I didn't get to go to the car lot last night. The salesman we work with got ill and had to leave, so we will wait until he is able to work with us...might be a day or so...I don't want sick so I'll let him get over what ever he has.
Last night I had to run over to Walmart to pick up an enclosed liter box for my cat...and on the way through the parking lot I found $10.00 blowing right in front of me across the parking spaces. I looked around to see if anyone was around and the place was deader than a doornail (it was really late) so I was like, woohoo!! I never find money. It paid for my liter box, almost. So, I was happy.
Well, on the food front I stayed OP yesterday and so far today I've made wise choices. Haven't a clue what I'm doing for lunch b/c I usually pack something..I packed my snacks, but I ran out of time for make me a lunch...didn't want to create another mess in the kitchen since it looked spotless for the showing.
Good morning, all. It has been awhile since I have
posted anything here, so I thought I would report on
With all the special activities that I have had in the
past few weeks, I haven't showed a weight gain. To me
that may even be a loss. :)
We have continued to be very busy with the garden, but
if we don't have some rain very soon, things are going
to be in bad shape there. We thought we might get rain
from "Fay," but she just isn't moving in the right
direction for that to happen before next week, if then.
It sounds as though everyone is keeping very busy with
different things. Carrie, it is stressful to have a
house listed for sale. We were very lucky, however, to
have a contract from the first person who looked at
our house over four years ago. We did have to keep it
in "showing mode" for a little while, until things
were really firm.
School has been in session in our county for a week
and a half. What had seemed like a good beginning has
been turned upside-down this morning. There has been
a school shooting at a high school across town from
where we live. This is in the part of town where our
SIL is an associate minister at a United Methodist
Church, so it is bound to be a busy time there. The
victim, sadly, did not survive. This is just a little
over three weeks since the shooting at the Unitarian
Universalist Church located nearer our area. Such a
sad time for many people.
Good wishes to all of you as you continue your journey.
Nellie, I heard something about that shooting this morning. Didn't hear all the details, though. Didn't this happen in TN? Knoxville? Like I said, didn't hear all the details. What a tragedy.
Nellie, I had no idea you were in TN. I live in West Tennessee. I have been to Knoxville 3 different times for Destination Imagination Global Finals held at the UT campus. Have you ever heard of DI?
I don't know what grade you taught at. Did you teach at the school that this shooting happened?
Yes, I have heard of DI. No, I didn't teach at the
school where the shooting was. I taught third grade at
an elementary school on my side of the county. The
drive from my house (before we moved) to my school was just about seven minutes. I had retired before we
built this house and moved. I try to work in some time
each week to volunteer, but I am not off to a very
quick start this year. :)