I am probebly over-posting- sorry, we are having a late dinner of hamburgers from a small town meat locker- it doesn't say the percent of "leaness" on it... how would you all count it and for how many ounces.....
I count for hamburger that I'm not sure of like 2.5 pts. per oz and I try to keep it around 4 oz. That's only if I don't know how lean the meat is.
Shrimp - golly..shrimp is so light. I'm trying to think how I counted it when I cooked it a couple months ago. It's very low, so maybe a point an once if you weigh out how many your eating.
I do the same thing. An unknown burger gets like 6 points for me. I probably overestimate, but better safe than sorry. Don't you hate it when you don't have the nutritional information!
I love shrimp - it is one of my faves because it is so point friendly (and so tasty too!).