We certainly are picking up some new members as well as some that are returning from days past. This is so great! The more the merrier and this makes the threads so much more interesting. So again, welcome to all the new posters.
We are off to church this morning and then Wes and Anna have a get together with friends this afternoon, then we will have family time tonight. It should be a nice day.
The kis go back to school Tuesday and we have open house to meet the teachers and drop off school supplies on Monday night. They are moaning and groaning about going back, but I think they secretly enjoy school (well, for the most part). I think they like seeing their friends every day. Heaven knows, I like the break... LOL
So what is everyone else up to? Question for all of you. Is anyone interested in a menu/recipe thread again? We used to have one and then we all burned out on it, but now with new folks, maybe we could all get some new ideas? Let me know what everyone thinks. I am in a food rut (AGAIN) and need some fresh ideas.
Good morning from me too....I'm planning a happy OP day...visit with my daughter...taking her out for brunch while the other grandma watches baby....will figure out a way for that brunch to be OP. I'm off to spin class this morning first. Looking forward to an afternoon that will combine some house chores with some R & R. Take care, everyone. maajida PS: I'd love to see a thread for recipes, etc. I am not much of a cook...I usually cook what's easy and simple, and would particularly be interested in recipes and ideas that are high volume - low calorie to give lots to crunch on for the calories.
My DH left this morning for a business trip and will not return until Tuesday. The boys and I are getting ready to go out for lunch and do some school clothes shopping for them. I went shopping for myself yesterday after my WW meeting since all of my work clothes are too big. I started this journey in February in a size 16 that I was busting out of. Yesterday, I bought 6's and 8's. I have been buying clothes all along and replaced them as I lost weight. But now, I'm getting REALLY excited.
As for the recipe thread, that was before my time, so I'm not sure how it works exactly. I'm always on the lookout for new recipes to try and will hopefully come up with some of my own to post as well should you decide to start this up again. To be quite honest, most of the recipes I use these days come straight from Aimees website.