I am facing a new struggle and challenge today. I started excersizing recently on my quest and was doing very well with it- today as i was walking clutzy my fell- tripped, and severly damaged my knee. It is huge!!!! I am so scared to weigh in wednesday, i feel like everything is in the air now- i need advice. I can't work out- i am laid up, and how do i step on the scale when i can't stand on both feet. Advice needed please!!!!!!
Angela, Take a deep breath. Put ice on your knee and relax. It probably isn't as bad as it seems. If you have an Ace bandage, wrap it. The treatment for injury is RICE rest, ice, compression, elevation. You should be able to stand on it enough to get on the scale if you can get to a meeting. A few days rest shouldn't derail all your efforts.
Hope you feel better
I WENT to the ER, saw ortho and have a torn ACL. I haven't researched it much, but have had problems with my knees in the past. Thanks for your support!!!
If you have a rock in the road you just have to go around it. You don't set up camp behind it!!!
KEEP MOVING FORWARD!! Even if it's not in the direction you thought it would be. Get some hand weights and work your upper body. If the doctor allows do water aerobics or swimming or something like that. I'm sure you'll figure it out. We're always here to help
Hang in there, Angela!! The important thing right now is to do WHATEVER the doctor advises so that your knee can heal. During that time, just stay OP with your eating - many folks have continued to lose weight without exercising, so that could be you! I think the swimming idea is a great one too!! Perhaps your doctor would okay that? You will be fine, just take care of yourself right now. :)