Found these: Hopefully it's what you were looking for.
1 lg. box strawberry Jello
1/2 c. red hots
2 c. applesauce
2 c. boiling water
Dissolve the red hots in the boiling water and then add the dry Jello to that and stir until dissolved. Then add ice to cool down and when Jello begins to set, remove any excess non-melted ice. Add the applesauce to the Jello. Mix in and then chill until set up and ready to serve.
Apple Cinnamon Jell-O
1 large (8 serving package) cherry Jell-O
1/2 cup red hot candies
1 large apple, cored, peeled and cut into small pieces
1/2 Cup chopped pecans
Dissolve Jell-O and red hot candies in boiling water according to package directions. Cool. Add pecans and apples. Chill until set.
Red Hot Salad:
2 pkg. (3 oz. each) cherry Jello
4 oz. Red Hots candy *
3 cups boiling water
1 can (20 oz.) crushed pineapple, undrained
2 cups applesauce
Dissolve Jello and red hots in boiling water. Cool to room temperature. Oil an 8 cup mold. Add pineapple and applesauce. Pour into mold and chill.