I am pleased to say that the kids had a good first day back to school. Wes said that 8th grade was good. He thinks he will like World Studies best, and got 3 classes with his best friend. This is amazing because they have been best friends since 4th grade, and have NEVER had classes together.
Anna said 4th was good and she thinks she wil like math and science best. She made a new friend with a girl new to our school district and helped her through the lunch line to learn the lunch procedures. What a sweetie. :)
Mitch LOVED 1st grade!! He was so excited. His best friend is in his class and he made a new friend too. He LOVED the school lunch (what does that say about my cooking? LOL) of mini corn dogs and french fries. He likes his teacher and had fun yesterday.
I had a good day too. I talked to my mom and got chores done. Then I took a 17 mile bike ride and went to the dentist for my checkup. I had fixed chicken in the crockpot for dinner, so we had a more relaxed evening. I got the kids' school forms all updated and they are ready for today.
Today I will get chores done and then pick up or Angle Food order this afternoon. Tonight is date night with Scott so we will go out to eat somewhere. No matter what - OP today for me.
I'm committed (or should be LOL) Think my stomach is finally back to normal. I even had a cup of coffee this morning and feel OK. Tried something new for breakfast I had some leftover bulger in the frig. Heated some in the micro and had it with cinnamon, splenda and milk. It was pretty good. Much chewier than oatmeal. Don't have any big plans for today. Need to get out and take a walk or something. Haven't done any walking since Sunday. Next Monday is the end of the walking competition for my work. So far Jim and I have each gotten $80 in gift cards from Dick's sporting goods store. Don't know if I got in the necessary 61 miles this month go get another $40 or not. If not I think the next level is $30. Jim is hoping for the top prize for the whole summer which is another $100. If nothing else, that is a couple pairs of walking shoes for us. I found out that my pedometer isn't washing machine proof. I accidently put it through the washer last week. Jim took it apart and dried it out. I'm missing a couple of the lines that make the digital numbers but otherwise it still works.
Hope everyone has a good day