IBS is a pain. I've had it for years and it hasn't really caused too much problem except I never know if it is diarrhea or constipation time. For a long time I knew where every bathroom was along the routes that I travel. Sometimes I have had belly pain. Never have taken any medications for it. I think if you Google it you will find all the current info. Did you end up going to the Dr.? Hope you feel better.
I don't have it, but my sister does. She has the constipating kind. She was told she has to eat a high fiber diet, but sometimes that's hard for her. She pays for it though.
I wimped out and cancelled my appointment, but I see my GYN on the 5th of September and will talk with her then.
I have had constipation issues most of my life and over the past couple years it has gotten really bad. It does alternate with diarrhea at times, and lately belly pain also, that is right around my navel. I could literally draw a circle around where it hurts. I also have bloating and gas - TMI, I know. I researched it online, and my symptoms seem pretty classic. I am not lactose intolerant, so I know that is not the cause. It got really bad over the past week, which was what almost drove me to the doctor today. I had terrible pain, diarrhea, and my tummy sounded like a washing machine. Is that typical of IBS????? Then last night, the pain went away. I was still all rumbly and the diarrhea is still present, but I feel better, so I am going to hold off to see the doctor until next week.
Patty, what type of tests do they do? Does this sound like IBS to you too? I am nervous about the whole thing, but this is the pits!!
I don't think there are really any tests. They might want to do a colonoscopy to rule out anything else. But think they basically diagnose it by the symptoms.
Thank you for letting me know. I swear, I thought i Was losing my mind (according to the kids, that happened already... LOL). When I think about it, I have had these kind of problems on and off for most of my life. I remember even having to take laxatives as a kid. It just seems that recently I have had more troubles. I am so relieved to hear that I am not alone. I am much better today. The pain is totally gone. It is so weird to have so much pain for so many days and then all of the sudden it is gone and you haven't changed a thing!! I was guzzling maalox a couple days ago and I haven't needed any today.
I am going to follow up with my GYN in a week and see what she thinks too. I am hoping there are no unpleasant tests involved with this... UGH!
I don't think my sister went through any tests...they just went off of her symptoms. My brother in law says she doesn't "eat what she's supposed to."...and according to her the high fiber diet is hard for her...so hence, she has the problems. My mother in law also suffers from this as well.