Hi All....it's been a while since I've been on this site. My dad was just diagnosed with a rare, inoperable cancer, and I've been so distressed and busy trying to care for 3 children, work, and spend time at the hospital. The good news is that I made it to my WW meeting yesterday, and lost 6.2 pounds since last week! I've lost 33 pounds since March 14th now. A bright ray of sunshine during a cloudy time...
I am so sorry to hear about your father. I can only imagine what a difficult time this is for you. Hang in there. Our prayers will be with him and you and your family.
Good job on the weigh in, though. Taking care of yourself right now is so important.
My sympathies about your Dad. Take care of yourself since this time can be draining on your energies. Everyone will be depending on you and you won't be any help if you aren't well.
Congrats on your loss.
Sorry to hear about your father. Do be sure and take care of yourself and try to stay OP. When you are stressed and so busy with kids and hospital, you can "run down" before you know it and from my experience, when it catches up with you, unless you're prepared, it can throw your whole focus out the window.
Erika, I am also sorry to hear what you are going through right now. That is tough. Like the others have already said, take care of yourself. You can't take care of your family if you get rundown. (((hugs))) to you.
Thanks so much everyone, for you supportive comments. I agree that 6.2# is a lot of weight loss for one week. I had been at a plateau prior to this weigh-in, and suddenly lost a massive amount. I had only been eating off-plan for the 2 days prior to weigh-in....mainly because of being at the hospital long days. I think some of it was probably I burned a lot of calories in "nervous and emotional energy." We'll see what this next Thursday brings. Looks like Dad is not leaving the hospital any time soon, but I go back to work on Wednesday. Thankfully, I work at the hospital, so I can see him on my lunch break, or quickly get there if things take a turn.