Oh Boy! I really slept in today and I feel so spoiled. This was such atreat for me...
So, on that happy note, good morning and happy Saturday. I am hoping you all had a good day yesterday and are looking forward to an awesome and OP 3 day weekend.
The kids have their friends sleeping over. They stayed up and had popcorn and watched College Road Trip last night. I guess it was REALLY funny, because they all were howling with laughter, even the 13 year olds. I popped in from time to time and it looked like a great family movie.
Today Scott and I ride our bikes together and the kids will stay and play until the afternoon. Wes has a binfire/birthday party for a boy in his class tonight, but that is about it for us.
OP all the way - no ideas yet for dinner... Maybe homemade pizza????
Good morning. It's a grey day right now but supposed to be a nice holiday weekend. We went yesterday to look at new floor covering for our downstairs. The vinyl that is down now was put in 27 years ago when we built the house and it is looking pretty sad. We brought home some samples and layed them in the kitchen to try and decide what we want. Think we've made a decision of vinyl that looks like big tile squares. We'll go order it today and schedule an installation date. I'm dreading the mess since there is so much to move so we can get to the floor.
This afternoon we are going to see the Batman movie and out to dinner. I'll stay OP even if I have to use some of my weekly points.
Have a good weekend.
Cheryle, hope you are enjoying your "Me time". I remember how it was when son (an Eagle Scout) and hubby went on weekend outings. One time they went on a week long High Adventure trip to Maine. Instead of spending the time to myself I volunteered to be camp nurse at our church camp for the week. That sure wasn't a restful week for any of us.
Pat, good luck with the floor project. That can be such a pain, but I'm sure you will love it when you are done.
My weekend has definitely not turned out the way I had planned. Not in a bad way, just a different way. The guys left yesterday around 4:30. My plan was to get my walk in then spend the rest of the evening vegging out with the TV on Lifetime Movie Network. Well, shortly after they left, one of my friends called me to see if I wanted to go out for dinner and margaritas. Her family was going to the opening season football game. So that's what we did, and I did not do so hot with the eating. I had the WPA's to use, and probably used everyone of them. After getting off the phone with her from making plans to go out, another friend called to say they were going to be in town this weekend and wanted to have dinner. They had moved to Georgia about 4-5 years ago, and have just moved to Memphis. So, this morning I went to my WW meeting, lunch and shopping. I did stay OP for lunch. Got home for a couple of hours, then left again to go back and have dinner with these friends. We ate at Outback Steakhouse. It was really good, but I have no doubt my points have gone through the roof. The good thing, I guess, is they started over today. Anyway, didn't get in until after 9:00 each night, so have not spent any "me time" alone. The guys will return by noon tomorrow.
Man, that post turned out to be much longer than I planned. Sorry.
I'll post about my WW meeting WI on a different thread.