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Daily commitment thread 9-8-08

Good morning! Here's to a good OP day.

I had a mixed up evening last night but I am back on track today. I ate OP all day and then I don't know what got into me last night, but after my ice cream I just still felt like eating and ate 2 pieces of PB bread. I wasn't hungry, but just wanted to eat. My bad. I will do better today.

I am home today and I plan to get caught up with chores and other odds and ends. I have to have a bone density rescan, so I have phone calls to make for that and plenty of cleaning to do to get taken care of from the weekend.

I want to get a bike ride as well.

How about you?

Daily commitment thread 9-8-08

Good morning everyone. Uki, thanks for getting us started today. I don't have any big plans for today. I have the day off, so will try to get the house cleaned up and laundry caught up. We had a super busy weekend, so I didn't get anything done.

Here's to an OP day!


Re: Daily commitment thread 9-8-08

I'm off to the hospital this morning to get another thyroid ultrasound. Had great OP day yesterday and I hope to be OP today as well.

Re: Daily commitment thread 9-8-08

Crazy week-end here, too. I did get to my WW meeting Saturday and had lost another pound. I am so excited to see it keep coming off, even if that seems slow. I will start my 36th week of being OP this Thursday and for me that is a record! I've not had this much to lose before. Well, not stayed with program this long trying to lose, anyway. This effort is going to be lasting if I keep my head straight!! Comunicating with ya'll has really helped. It's just an extension of my Saturday meeting.

This is going to be another OP week! It starts with today, FIRST! Hope yours is as well!

Diane S

Re: Daily commitment thread 9-8-08

Diane, congrats on 35 weeks of being OP. That's great.
Uki, I can understand the need to eat when I'm really not hungry. At least now when that happens I try to pick something healthier than in the past.
I'm OP today. Got my pool time in, went shopping stopping at several stores to get things from their Sunday newspaper ads, went to the grand opening of Hobby Lobby and got a tote bag with a few gifts in it. Nothing great but it was a nice gesture. I got there a few minutes before they opened and there were probably 100 people in line already. We must all be crazy. I looked around and made notes of what things I might buy later, didn't buy anything today.
When I came home I made my mamogram appt for later this month. That's all from here for now.


Re: Daily commitment thread 9-8-08

OP for another 24.

Went to spin class this morning. Then to grocery store - forgot to get milk DUH! so I have to go back. Oh well I will go and get some more Fage yogurt (at the one store I can buy it) and pick up milk there.

Out to lunch with some friends.

Home waiting on older son's school bus and then off to pick up younger one.

Then I will come home and start making dinner and maybe get in a walk with the dogs.

Have a happy - OP - day.