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Daily committment thread for 10-28-08

Good morning! It was so good to see some other ladies posting yesterday on many of the different threads. Welcome to all of you and please feel free to post anytime. We are so happy to have more regulars and all the tips you share are helpful to us. Feel free to ask questions too. The ladies here are so nice and we will all do our best to answer your questions.

Glad you are back Laura! I think it is awesome that your husband is doing WW too. :)

Way to go on breaking the plateau, Maaj! We knew it would happen and the slower it came off the better it will stay off. :)

Pat, take care of your back and keep us posted. I can only imagine how much it hurts.

Jennifer, I answered your PB2 question on the daily menu thread from yesterday. If you try it, let us know what you think. We all love it here. :)

Tammy, glad to see you again, and thanks for all the tips.

Carrie and Marilyn, you are doing so well and are so consistent. How is the bike, Marilyn?

If I left anyone out, please forgive me! It is an early one. LOL

I am pleased to say that I still have not even touched the Halloween candy. I even helped the kids go through it to check it and to get rid of the gum (we don't allow gum), and I still wasn't tempted. Wow!!

I got lots of chores done yesterday and my house is finally back in order from the weekend. I have a few more things to do today and then it will be shipshape.

OP today for me, how about you?

Re: Daily committment thread for 10-28-08

Yesterday went well. Both my husband and I stayed OP and it felt real good. I felt so much better just with one day back OP. It's amazing how eating junk can make you feel so horrible and turning around and eating healthy for just a day can make you feel so much better. Anyways, I'm OP today. I'm going to be looking for some good low pt. dinners, I'll check here on Aimee's site, anyone tried her main dishes before?
Uki, good job on staying out of the Halloween candy. I don't have any in the house thank goodness.

Re: Daily committment thread for 10-28-08

P.S. There is snow on the ground here in Michigan this morning

Re: Daily committment thread for 10-28-08

Oh, the dreaded Halloween candy season, LOL!! I'm "trying" to stay out of it. I went last night to Dollar Tree and bought some "goodies" for my SS class. I bought bags and have decided to put in them an apple, package of cheese/pb crackers, and a few pieces of candy. I'm making Halloween cupcakes (with the diet coke, they'll never know) and I plan on having one since I'm making them friendly for me. But, the rest of the "crap" has got to get out of my house fast b/c candy is a big trigger for me. I've been trying to stick with the gum (Uki, send some my way, LOL) and I tried buying my kids stuff I know I wouldn't want.

I've had the day off yesterday. I was busy around the house getting some things done. Brennan is feeling better. Brady had a reading project due and we were up late working on that. And, I had to work in the even. for a couple hours. Crazy/Busy...that's my life.

I did manage to walk on the TM yesterday and with the church dedication services out of the way, I hope to slip back in my workout routine b/c I sure missed it last week with my wacked out schedule.

Hope you all are doing well. I've got a slow day here at work, maybe I'll look up some recipes - we seem to be talking a lot lately about food!!

Re: Daily committment thread for 10-28-08

Wow, it is good to see so many already posting this morning. It is rather chilly here this a.m and felt good under the down comforter. I managed to get myself going, though, after a few sips of coffee and got my walking in for the morning.

I have a lot to get done today because I am going down tomorrow to help my daughter-in-law with Lilly while she runs in to work for about an hour or so, then Thursday, too, while she has a doctor's appointment. That will be a treat for me to get to take care of Lilly.

I MADE candy over the week-end while the three grandkids were here and managed to stay entirely out of it! If I don't take the first bite, I'm okay. They were wanting to lick the spoons, bowls, etc. so I enjoyed doing the candy for them. There is still some left, put away in a Rubbermaid container, and what my husbamd doesn't eat, will be here for the grands on Halloween night. We live out in a secluded area and have no trick-or-treaters, except for the grandkids. Thank goodness, I don't have to deal with all the candy buying....just enough stuff for the grands that live here in town!

Today will be another OP day for me. Ya'll have a good one, too!


Re: Daily committment thread for 10-28-08

Good morning Diane!! I forgot to say hello to you and that beautiful granddaughter. Way to go on not eating the candy you made.

Re: Daily committment thread for 10-28-08

Sounds like everyone is doing great. This morning is cold and rainy with wet snow predicted for tonight. I'm not ready for this.
Went to the chiropractor this AM. I have degeneration and some misalignment in the vertebrae above where I had the fusion done. He is going to aggressively treat me for a few weeks. Have to go back tomorrow. He did say that the weight loss and exercise were the best things I could do. It's really strange going to this Dr. since he graduated HS with my son. I used to watch both of them wrestle. I am impressed at how well he does his work.
I'm OP again today. Have to work 3-7:30 so will take a sandwich with me that I can grab sometime when the lines for flu shots slows down. I'm going to get to the pool before work. Yesterday I drove to the gym and got out of the car, reached for my gym bag and I'd left it at home. No swimsuit or towel so I wandered through some stores to kill time till I had to work. Checked out Linens and Things since they are going out of business but most things were only discounted 10%.
Well, better eat some lunch then get going.
Have a good day everyone
