Just getting it started for anyone who needs to post today.
40 minutes on the trainer all said and done. :)
Finally actural exercise. Did a 1 hour aerobics class in the pool. Can't believe how much my body has missed working out Pat
60 minutes on the treadmill. Then I voted. The lines were so long that it took me longer to vote than to exercise. LOL
Walked 2 miles last night. Hopefully if its warm today I will walk another 2 after work.
60 minutes on the treadmill. Working off that cake!
60 minutes water aerobics class. Burned 300 calories Pat
walked 2 miles after work today tomorrow off day then thursday going to try and go 3 miles
I got 60 minutes on the treadmill done before I left to run errands.
60 minutes on the treadmill.
2 mile walk last night
Forgot to post yesterday - 40 minutes on the trainer.