Happy Hump day! I am up and ready for the day.
It was good to see that quite a few of us were able to post yesterday!
Carrie, please don't bet yourself up over the candy. I am so thankful that you got interrupted with your attempt at purging. Yes, God was truly looking out for you in a MAJOR way! I will tell you, that I have felt that way before - that feeling of total panic about what you have eaten and that desire to "fix" it right away. I have never actually purged or attempted to, but the thought has been there. From what I know from others, it is a dangerous, dangerous road to head down. Once started, it is hard to stop. So, I am begging you to not do this again. Carrie, we care about you, your family cares about you, and God cares about you. You did nothing wrong!!!! So for a few minutes out of one day, you ate too much. This is not fatal. In fact, this is not really a big deal. You didn't gain all that weight from too much candy one day - it took years, and years of overeating. Look how much you have lost and how far you have come. You did not undo all that with a few too many candy bars. You will be fine - I promise. Your health and emotional well being are so important, please don't resort to purging. You don't need to and you are actually setting yourself up for much worse problems. Just jump back on the horse. Major kudos to you for sharing it. The fact that you did just tells me even more that you know that is not the answer. You are going to be fine today. We are right there with you.
Diane, it is good to hear that folks are on the mend! You will soon have your hands full with the grandkids, but I am certain you will have a wonderful time. It sounds like you have had a few struggles but are handling things well! :)
Maaj, you are a superwoman lately! Each day we see that you are conquering your struggles - no binging and even when you eat more than planned, you do extra exercise to balance it out. You have come so far!!! Do you see that???? Seriously, look back to where you were about 9 months ago. You are not that same person. You, go, girl!
Shezz, you are doing so well with planning and that is one of the biggest ways to succeed on WW. Keep it up - you are a great role model.
Laura, I know what you mean about getting bored. I tend to get in ruts sometimes with food, simply because it is easy to prepare the same things in and out. Also, for me, I have to cook for the family as well and they tend to be not too adventurous. The best I can say is to scout out new recipes and just commit to trying them. There for awhile I commited to trying 1 new recipe a week and that helped a lot. Now, I have tried a lot of foods that were new to me and like them and that helps too. Hang in there. Oh! The library here has lots of WW cookbooks. Maybe yours does too?
Well, off to get the guys up for school and get myself ready to run TONS of errands. I also want to get the treadmill out of the way. Have a wonderful OP day!!
Hugs and well wishes to all of you,
I forgot Patty! I am so sorry! Patty - all that planning is going to pay off. Just sit tight. You are doing the plan as you should and I bet once your schedule settles down, the scale will go down too. :)
Hi Uki and everyone...Uki I so appreciate your words of support...it takes a long time to reply so caringly to each of us....hope you know how much it means. Sounds like several of us have been struggling lately...and I am not sure I deserve Uki's praise...I had a period of struggle...about 3 and a half hours of eating inappropriate way off program stuff and this am. I feel awful physically and emotionally...but...I am right back on track and headed for the gym, even though feeling icky and should be going to work early re several reports that are due...Uki thanks for reminding me to look back so many months and remember where I was then...I know a few hours of struggles on one day won't undo that...it could if I let it escalate, but I won't. Thanks again for all the support and encouragement. Hang in there everyone.....maajida
Hi everyone. This is the first chance I've had to stop by the board. Thanks Uki for the concern and encouragement; it really means a lot to me.
Yesterday was going Ok until the eve. and then I caved again for junk food. When I went to the store last week it was at an odd time and I really wasn't prepared with a good shopping list and had left my coupons at home for some stuff. It ended up that I really didn't shop for me at all so therefore I'm having trouble with food this week b/c I don't have my "stuff" and it's part of the reason I'm binging on stuff in the other cabinets. Sounds like excuses, huh? Even though I really don't have the time, I am stopping by the store after work and getting "my stuff" tonight. Another thing is I'm stressed to the max. this week. My son is having problems at school (I'll spare the details at the moment), I'm working 2 jobs, my little one is sick and I've lost a lot of sleep...on top of the big birthday party is Sat. and I haven't done anything to prepare for it. That's not entirely true, the garage is ready to decorate, I just need to "do it." Speaking of the party...does noone RSVP these days when invited to something? This really bugs me b/c I don't know how much food to buy or how big a cake to make or anything.
Ok...today, so far, I've been OP. I know what I'm making for dinner and I will be pretty busy with no time to nibble later. I'm back to taking it one hr. at a time I think. I hope everyone else is doing good.
Uki - thanks again! You're so kind.
Thanks Uki, maybe I'll give the library a try. I did go shopping today and got some low pt. side dishes to try out. I'm OP today and getting ready to take the dog to the vet for rabies shot. Have a great day everyone.
I was shopping all day today. Have been trying to get a jump start on all my holiday "food stuff" with the kids all coming. I was armed with my list, coupons, and even a notebook of all the stops I had to make, etc. It just goes smoother for me if I am a little organized and prepared!
I do have three of the grands starting tomorrow night through Sunday sometime, so had to buy extra food for them (ages 3-9). I will keep them busy and out of the kitchen, maybe.
Uki, you are the greatest encourager! I appreciate the time you spend on here and giving us that special boost we need for the moment. It means a lot.
I've been OP all day and now ready to go to bed!!!
I've had a great OP day today. Should have eaten a little more b'fast for more energy, but otherwise did fine.