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Daily Commitment 3/14

Well, it sounds like we all made it through Friday the 13th! LOL

We watched the movie, "Taken," last night. Kraig brought it with him. It was pretty good!

All the guys are still sleeping, and I have no clue when Wes and Kraig went to bed, so I may be alone here for a bit this morning. :) Mitch usually gets up by 8:30a on Saturdays, so he can keep me company.

No major plans for today. Scott is meeting a friend this afternoon to help him purchase a sound system for their church. The pastor's wife from our old church, may be stopping over this afternoon just to chat. I miss her very much, so that would be nice.

I will get some exercise today and stay OP as well!

How about you? What are you doing today?

Re: Daily Commitment 3/14

Good morning. I'm up, have done the 30 min DVD with resistance bands and had breakfast so I'm ready for my big adventure day. Starts with a quilt show. I love to look at others work, but it makes me feel like such a beginner. Then to a craft show then clothes shopping. The day is perfect, bright sun and supposed to get in the 40's so I won't have to wear a heavy coat.
Went to friend's house for supper last night. They were so nice to call and ask what I could eat. We had chicken breast marinated in fat free Italian dsg and baked potato and salad. I made a pan of decadent brownies for everyone else and took SF pudding for myself. I'm glad that my friends know that I'm serous about for eating.
Brooke, I was so sorry to hear about your fire. I can't imagine the work that goes into cleaning up after. Glad everyone is safe. It is understandable that you can't concentrate too much on your eating right now but I'll bet that enough of the healthy habits have sunk in that you'll make good choices without thinking about it.
Everyone have a great day.


Re: Daily Commitment 3/14

Well, I don't know why I never did post yesterday! I was OP and am the same today, too! Went to WW meeting this a.m. and had lost 2.7! WOOOO!!!!HOOOO!!!! Finally think I am off that plateau that has been taunting me for the last two months!!! I am only 6 pounds from my goal, so I am super excited and hopefully that will spur me on to really watch it closely for the next few weeks!!! We have spring break coming up week after next and we always go camping with the grandkids!! In fact, we will be taking the campers up on Wednesday of this coming week. I am looking forward to it. Hopefully, our weather is going to warm up and stay for a while. After this week, though, you nver know! LOL! I enjoy being out in the fresh air and there is plenty of things going on to keep me busy!

Uki, sounds like you survived the "guy sleep-over" and awoke with boundless energy! Hope you have a nice visit with your friend if she does get to come over.
Oh, did you find a home for the "new" cat?

Hope everyone has a great week-end! It's lunch time and I'm going to fix me a veggie omelet! YUM!

Oh, welcome aboard, CRW! I didn't see your post until a little while ago. GOOD LUCK on your first day and every day! WW is a great program and this is the best bunch of ladies you'll ever find on a website! There is always someone here for support, advice, and inspiration!!!! THANK YOU, AIMME, for letting us be a part of your ADVENTURE!!! Toodles!

Re: Daily Commitment 3/14

Afternoon everyone found a minute to check in. Keeping busy busy today but all in all it is going pretty good. Went to a pizza buffet for dinner and tried to get only the salad bar but they dont serve it that way so I had to get the whole buffet. Stuck to my large salad and a piece of chicken no skin. and one small sliver of pizza. We were at my neices bday party and I politely decined. then I was informed by the host that I was being "good" lol I say I was in control today, that doesnt happen everytime, sometimes I cant say no but today I did. Tonight it is off to a friends for steak and shrimp. I will limit my portions and I brought the dessert so it will be fun.

Praying I am able to stay op the rest of the day

Have a great day everyone congrats on the loss Diane
op for me!

Re: Daily Commitment 3/14

Congratulations of the loss Diane!