Happy Easter to those who celebrate. I'm off to church in a few minutes for the second time today. I actually set the alarm for 5:20 AM to get to 6 AM sunrise service. I've always had a special feeling for sunrise services. It was 30 degrees at my house and the outdoor site for the service is 3 miles closer to Lake Ontario and all the wind off the lake. It was probably around 20 there. I was numb even tho I dressed for the temps.
OP today all the way. Have an 86 year old friend coming for supper tonight.
Hope you all have a great day
(I'll be gone Monday and Tuesday for work so probably won't post till Wednesday.)
I've been OP today...sick, also! Didn't get out of bed until 10:30 which is never heard of! I had run fever during the night, etc. Had taken night time medication and it really zonked me, I guess! I'm feeling better now except for some congestion and coughing. I'm glad I didn't have commitments with the kids for lunch! I don't think I could have done it!
It's been raining all day and supposed to until tomorrow night, so has been a good day to stay in cozy! Glad we went to Easter service last night. I know it wasn't the same, but it was a great message.
Sorry to hear that you were sick but glad to hear that you are on the mend. Hope you had a blessed Easter.
Didnt do to well on the food front today. There just wasnt anything much that was simply filling. Had a small piece of ham and small piece of pork loin. But the rest of it was fruit salads with toppings and green bean casserole, and a california medley covered in cheese! So I did the best I can but I have a feeling I will have to work extra hard the next few days.