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Daily commitment 8/8

Good morning. I'm off to a good start. Had oatmeal with Fiber 1 and mixed berries for breakfast. Tonight is pizza night so will either make mine on a sandwich thin or I was thinking about taking a veggie burger and putting pizza topping on it.
Hope you all have a great day


Re: Daily commitment 8/8

good evening everyone.

Well my day started off great by throwing out my back again. fun fun.

Went and sat at my sisters then and watched the guys make a concrete patio, went swimming with the kiddos but all I really did was sit in the hot tub.

Tommorow was supposed to be a date with hubby but we will probley sit home and rest my back instead.

food is going okay, but I know I can do better this week. Stopped off at the grocery store on the way home and stocked up on fresh fruit and veggies.

off to bed for me