Back from the gym and shopping trip to Aldi's. Need a bigger frig when I do my weekly shopping there.
I'm having some issues with my blood sugar running low. I'm a diabetic but came off meds last June with the weight loss. I used to be able to do an hour water aerobics and then lift weights and an hour on the treadmill. Now an aerobics class or 30 min on the treadmill make me feel really tired and weak. I started checking my blood sugars again and eating a snack between exercises but sugars still low. I see the diabetes doctor on Thurs. so will take all my data with me. Tried adding in eggbeaters with my oatmeal and fruit for breakfast but that didn't seem to make a difference either. Better than sugars being too high but I don't like the feeling.
Food is going good. Just had my first fresh peach of the season cut up in a bowl with fresh blueberries. Yum. The farmer has an overabundance of blueberries due to all the rain. They dropped their prices so may have to get some and put in the freezer.
Chelsie, sounds like you are doing good. Good luck with the garage sale. Tomorrow our local farmers market is having flea market days so I'm going to set up and try to sell some of my purses. Have another show on Sunday then the sewing machine will probably get dusty till after flu shot season.
Have a great day
sorry to hear about the struggles with your blood sugar. Losing weight is hard enough. Having more than one thing to tackle is tough.
Reading about you eating your peach is making me hungry, but the cherries I have will have to do. :)
I got up late after another uneventful night of sleeping. Hopefully this all gets back into routine when I go back to work. Made it out for a two mile walk after dinner and that felt wonderful. I have been extremely slacking in the excersize dept. THen off to the pool for the afternoon with the kiddos.
tacos is on the menu tonight and then off to jujitsu . I just hope my back will handle it!!
Heres to a completely op day for me (the first one in a while) :) summer has really taken a toll on my weight loss but not my determination.
I figure as long as I am trying it is good. Its when I give up that it is bad.