I started ww last year and have lost a bit of weight, the holidays have been HARD. But back on track this week. You too can do this so keep up the good work.
Getting back on track this week has worked well for me, I think just finally getting back into a schedule and planning my meals has helped. I work a full time job and drive two hours a day so the planning is the trick then I can hold steady. I have four wonderful children who eat what I cook and tell me the truth about the recipies I keep trying. Make sure you use your 35 pts each week, find myself staying on track better when I do. How about you?
I too have started WW again. I am looking forward to tomorrows weigh in. I will post my results tomorrow. It would be amazing if we could all post our results to keep each other focused. I find that the key to WW is to plan, plan, plan.
That is exactly it PLAN, PLAN, PLAN so this week I am 156. So we will see what the week brings. I have a feeling it will be a struggle since it is my birthday this week and we typically eat out that day. Again, I am telling myself it is to plan that as well.
I can remember the exact day that I said "This is IT". I had my body fat calculated and it was 48%. That's almost half of my body was FAT. I joined WW that weekend. It has been 2 years and 10 months but, last week I hit a total loss of 100.1 #. I need to lose 0.4 this week to get to my healthy weight goal.
It has been slow going. Last year I only lost a total of 13#. Why? not tracking or planning, portion distortion (serving sizes getting bigger) since I wasn't measuring and weighing my food.
A few suggestions- PLAN, PLAN,PLAN. Track before you eat. I've found that making almost a game out of how much food I can get for my 20 points daily has helped. I usually eat the same breakfast most days, plan my dinner and then the leftover points go for lunch.
Make one of the zero point soups and always have it in the frig. The soup is often the biggest part of my lunch. Eat real food, avoid the trap of filling up on 100 calorie packs.
Many people will tell you to use all your weekly 35 plus your activity points. For myself, I have to use very few of the extras. That's what over 50 years of abusing my body with weird diets has done to my metabolism, so that I can't handle the extras.
Just keep at it one day at a time. Meetings have also been a lifeline for me. I plan to continue attending meetings until I can't get there anymore.
Good luck
(I used to be a regular here but when activity stopped I forgot about checking in. I'll try to be more active)