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Quik track system(points/food journal)

Hi everyone
I am following the points system at home, I am running out of point guides/journal/diary, you know where you record what youve eaten, how many points, exercise, water, etc. The blue booklet where you record what you're eating.

Does anyone know of one that you can share? I've looked online, but I couldnt find one. I know I could probably make one, but I figured I would ask here first, maybe it could help out someone else too.

Thanks in advance!

Re: Quik track system(points/food journal)

Hi Lori, I just use a spiral book, 1 page for each day. I have mine from the first 3 or 4 years. I can look back at them anytime I want...

Re: Quik track system(points/food journal)

Hi Lori,
I don't use the quick track journals either. I don't even know where mine are most of the time. LOL! I use a spiral notebook too (it's 5X7 inches) and I write everything in there. I just put the date at the top, I put boxes for my water and check them off as I drink throughout the day, I write my exercise I did that day (if I did any) and then I write down what I ate along with the points next to each item. You can write down whatever you want. The thing I like best about using a notebook instead of the paper journals that WW hands out is the fact that the notebook keeps everything together. I have over 3 years worth of journals I've kept. I like to go back and look at them from time to time. Sometimes I forget about certain products or recipes and seeing something I had for lunch or dinner a couple of years ago helps trigger my memory. :) If you still would rather use the quick track journal from WW, you could always photo copy a bunch of them so you'll have them on hand. :) Hope this helps.

Re: Quik track system(points/food journal)

I use this one:




Re: Quik track system(points/food journal)

That looks really useful Sherry. Thanks for posting the link. :)

Re: Quik track system(points/food journal)

I have a really nice one in PDF format. I found it on a Yahoo Group and it is VERY nicely done. It is 8 1/2 x11 and you can record 2 days per page. I printed out enough pages for 12 weeks, 3 holed punch them and put them in a regular folder with 3 prongs. I also printed out an AWESOME points list and put that in back of my points journal.

If anyone would like a copy, please email me at familymgrkendra@comcast.net

Re: Quik track system(points/food journal)

Hi Kendra! I would like copy.. I just e-mailed you.


Re: Quik track system(points/food journal)

Hi, I was also looking for a food/exercise journal & came across this one.


If it didn't link, google- ivillage food checklist & it should get you there. It looks like it covered the bases. Someone said they used OpenOffice or Word program to make it I think. Saved me the trouble of making a template of my own!

Re: Quik track system(points/food journal)

I have built a very detailed weight loss/health log in Excel which will automatically calculate your WW points in addition to your calories, carbs, fat, fiber, protein. It also will track your water intake, the frequency of your workouts, the length of your workout, the avergage calories burned per workout, as well as your total weight loss. And if you are diabetic, it will also help you track your blood sugars. If you are interested, email me and I will send it to you.

Re: Quik track system(points/food journal)

i am interested. my email is amaye@hotmail.com.
i thank you very much

Re: Quik track system(points/food journal)

Avi, I am interested in your sheet as well, could you send it to me too, thanks for the support!!!Heather

Re: Quik track system(points/food journal)

i was just looking at the messages and see that i wrote my email wrong it is amaye77@hotmail.com.
eating less sugar getting and forgetful lol . thank you

Re: Quik track system(points/food journal)

I just sent it...please let me know if you have any suggestions, questions, or would just like to share your progress.

Good luck!