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Hey everyone...I posted yesterday but didnt get one question answered. Does anyone know what the rate of exercise is for a newbie? I am trying to walk on the treadmill 15 minutes a day for the first few weeks. Does anyone have a tried and true plan? Any suggestions are welcome!
Thanks, Kristi

Re: Exercise

Hi Kristi, Yes, I would do what you are doing at starting with 15 min. When you feel comfortable and feel like you can do more ..up the time for the next week. Only progress up in time when you feel like you aren't too tired.. I spend 1 week on a time before I move up. I walk off and on, right now I'm walking 40 to 60 min. a elevation of 8 to 10 and a speed of 24 to 30.. I'm at goal and have high blood pressure with is fairly controlled..I do watch my pulse during walking and bp after walking.. Hope this helps...Any walking no matter how slow or how short will help you...