RAF Ground Crew Forum 1955-1970

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RAF Ground Crew Forum 1955-1970
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Re: RAF El Adem

Ohhhhh Gary, to be posted to " the end" for such a long time, dear oh dear, my deepest sypathies, my 2 connections with El Adem were , a detachment with 66 sqdn i think was sometime in 60 or late 61, and we only had tents and flimsy canvas cot beds ( living in a hotel in tobruck, huh, upmarket were we and ohhhh that Beverly trip from UK to there, what an experience, and the other connection.Well, when serving OS tour in Cyprus, we had many a bod on A/L from El Adem, a few of them completely off their trollies, and one i DO remember actually topped himself.So yes, a wonderful place to be,, if you like sand and camels that is