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Thursday, also means MOVE IT!

It's time to move it again ladies and gents! Get out there and have some fun in the sun if it is nice where you are at. If not, then do some moving indoors!

I'll be taking my kiddos to school and then off to the gym.

One word of advice, if you can afford it, I highly recommend getting a gym membership or at least trying it out. A lot of gyms will give you a free 30 day pass to try their place out.

I have meet several people at the Y that I go to and we help to keep each other accountable. If one of us doesn't show up one day then we are on them the next day.

Have fun moving it to lose it!

Re: Thursday, also means MOVE IT!

OMG Tammy's words again!! MOVE IT

OK I'm heading out to move my boodie this morning, going to take a hike with da senior dog, she needs it as much as I do...

My puppy will stay behind, she gets a great workout daily.....

So off I go, and thanks Tammy for the push........

Re: Thursday, also means MOVE IT!

Thanks for the motivation Tammy!!

We have a 2 hour fog delay here in Indiana, so I got my kids set up with breakfast and cartoons and went for a 45 minute walk around neighborhood. I came back soaking wet because the fog is so dense, but I do so much better if I can do my exercising in the morning.

Re: Thursday, also means MOVE IT!

It rained this morning so I wasn't sure what was going to happen to walking, but it cleared up in time so i have walked. I will ride my bie at noon and then I have to pick Mitch up early from preschool. I have a doctor's appointment today - a hematologist to see why my white blood cell count is so low. I am little scared about all this, but I am hopeful that this doctor can get to the bottom of all this. Happy thoughts...


Re: Re: Thursday, also means MOVE IT!

My Mid Night walk was great! 2.2 miles in 45 minutes on Wed and 2.2 miles in 51 minutes on Thursday.
This is the second time and I loved it. I like nights and night air.
My walking buddy got a stone in her shoe and she got a blister. Not sure ifwe are walking Friday night or not. We had planned on Wed, Thursday and Friday. We also plan to go buy walking shoes on Sat.
Will keep you posted.
Also I have measured my mobile home park. Two times around is 2 miles.

I really felt good the next day aftermy first walk which was Thursday. And eager to walk again. I am a bit down that I might not have a walking buddy until that blister heals.
