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Foods Wed 4/3

Breakfast at work

fiber 1

Re: Foods Wed 4/3

B: Nutrigrain waffles and PB2

L: Pita pizza with zucchini and FF cheese

D: chicken marsala stromboli and eggplant roulettes

treat: WW ice cream with toppings


Re: Foods Wed 4/3

I am turning over a new leaf today. And part of that new leaf is to absoulutely with out a doubt record everything that goes into my mouth. Good or not.

okay here goes.

b. 1 c. mg cheerios
1/2 c. milk
banana (total 5)

sn. ww yogurt
1 c. strawberries
sweet and salty granola bar
3 c. grapes (total 7) most of these I eat between 7 and 12 in the morning. I seem to be quite hungry then.

l. ww smart ones roasted turkey and mashed potoatoes
1 c. raw carrots (total 4)

s. 1 c. progressive corn chowder (it was really good!!) and 6 saltine crackers (total 6 i think I didn't have the cracker box so I gave them a two.

dessert ww two point bar

total for the day 24 pts!!!! I made it!!!

My leader told me to go down to 24 pts since I was really close to losing a pt by going down in weight and I lose one because I will hit 27 in a month.