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OP- Tuesday May 27th

Good morning everyone! I sure hope everyone had a good day yesterday.

Poor DH - he was under the weather all day yesterday and still doesn't feel well today. He hasn't decided if he is going to work yet or not. I think it would be good for him to stay home, but his kids have their Spring concert on Friday, so he is panicking about missing a day...

I am OP as usual and I hope you are too!


Re: OP- Tuesday May 27th

DEFINITELY OP after many months and weeks of struggle. I guess it is proof that this journey is about alot more than just wt. loss, but I really value being able to come here and post of my daily OP committment. Sincerely, maajida

Re: OP- Tuesday May 27th

At work and OP.

Re: OP- Tuesday May 27th

Definately OP today. Decided to stay home from the gym and just go for a bike ride. Need to get laundry done. Also need to spend some time in the sewing room. I make bags and purses to sell at craft shows. I have a show on Father's Day weekend and don't have enough stock made up.
Have a good day.


Re: OP- Tuesday May 27th

Confession time. I did so well OP yesterday, until around 9:00 and the munchies hit me. I only had 1 point left and I could have sliced up that watermelon, but did I?? NO, because I was watching my show and didn't want to miss it so I got in the cabinet and started eating candy (big mistake). Then Mark sits down next to me and was eating fig newtons...I don't even like those things, and yet I ate 6 plus a cup of milk. So, then I thought, oh well, blew it and then proceeded to eat more candy. What in the world was I thinking?? Why didn't I just leave the room and toss the candy in the trash? I blew it right before bed?

I feel really guilty about yesterday, but today is a new day and I got rid of the candy this morning.

Re: OP- Tuesday May 27th

Maaj, Carrie I feel your pain. Been there, done that too many times to count. Pat, I used to do country tole painting and sell that at craft shows, good luck at your show. I'm trying to be OP today. The last few weeks have been pathetic, food wise.

Re: OP- Tuesday May 27th

Been there done that too - so many, many times. We are all human. Forgive yourself and move on. Review the evening and try to see where things went astray. For me, situations like that are usually triggered by feelings of deprivation. I HAVE to include a treat everyday that I can look forward to or I rebel and want to eat every fattening food I can get my hands on. The other thing that would set me up was the all or nothing menatality. I was either 100% perfectly OP or I was 0% OP. There was no middle ground. I had to throw that thinking out the window and try to find a balance that worked for me.


Re: OP- Tuesday May 27th

I was planning on BBQ chicken on the grill and veggies. Mark was about 10 min. into cooking the chicken and the grill burst into flames and I had to call 911. Therefore, dinner went up in a blaze of glory, LOL. When the smoke cleared, I had to cook a pasta dish and that left me with only 1 point at 6pm. I knew I was "in for it" at that point.

Re: OP- Tuesday May 27th

Carrie, how scary to have a fire. Thank God no one was hurt. That excitement would have been enough to send me to some unhealthy food choices. Glad to hear that you are back on the wagon.


Re: OP- Tuesday May 27th


Yesterday was so crazy. All I wanted to do was laundry and I woke up to my 3 year old had poured an entire bottle of baby powder out in the middle of his bedroom floor--what a mess that was and then the fire incident later in the day.

I was so ready to come back to work today, hehe.

Re: OP- Tuesday May 27th

I had a great day until supper time tonight see the other post under off plan for details

Carrie-- I have found that at night around 900 if I am just sitting around and I am feeling tired I get the munchies. I tend to eat when I should just go to bed. And I dont eat that slice of watermellon either because that takes to much effort at that time of night. Hope tonight went much better!!

Re: OP- Tuesday May 27th

I am happy to report that I stayed OP all day today and drank all my water. With that said, good night all; I'm headed to bed before I hear the voices in teh cabinets, LOL!