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Homemade Wheat Bread (light and fluffy) SOOO GOOD!

Hey all. This is the recipe I've been using for my wheat bread. I haven't bought bread at the store for 2 months now. The family loves it and it's so healthy for us. And it's so stinking easy. If you want it in word format you can email me for the attachment lbinggeli@cableone.net

Whole Wheat Bread

For Bosch Mixer or 6qt Kitchen Aid For 5 qt mixer
(makes 4 loaves) (makes 3 loaves)

Grind 5 cups of whole wheat to flour (5 ½ - 6 ½ cups ground) 3 Cups

Place 4 ½ cups of quite warm water in bowl 3 ½ cups

Add to bowl:
1 ½ teaspoons of salt 1 teaspoon
2/3 cup gluten flour (key ingredient) ½ cup
2/3 cup oil ½ cup
2/3 cup honey ½ cup
1 ½ cups wheat bran 1 cup
6 cups of ground wheat flour 4 ½ cups

And mix together in bread mixer until combined.

2 Rounded tablespoons of Saf Instant Yeast (no substitutes) 2 Level Tablespoons

Add white flour until dough pulls away from the edge of the bowl
Approx 2 cups Approx 1 ½ cups

Then mix in bowl with dough hook for 8 minutes mix 5 minutes

Remove from bowl and place on lightly floured surface. Divide into desired # of loaves with a knife. (larger batch is 4 loaves and maybe a small one. Smaller batch is 3 loaves) Rub shortening onto hands and form into loaves. Don’t handle too much.

Place in pans sprayed with PAM. Cover with towel and let raise for 8-10 min in a warm place until dough reaches top of pan.

Put in COLD oven. Turn on oven to 350’ and bake for 31-33 minutes. Remove bread from pans immediately and cool on tray.

Re: Homemade Wheat Bread (light and fluffy) SOOO GOOD!

Okay it took out my spacing for the columns. IF it looks likes something you want the go ahead and email me. There are two columns there, one is for a smaller mixer, the other is measurements for the larger mixer. IT looks messed up on this post. Sorry, I was trying