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Re: Daily commitment 2/2


You and your family will be in my prayers!! Good for you to agree to therapy and to try to work it out. Your marriage and your family are so worth it!!!


Re: Daily commitment 2/2

Good afternoon. Was out of the house early to get to the gym. Couldn't get on a treadmill so decided to use the eliptical and boy could I feel the difference. Did OK yesterday on food. I was planning on popcorn for snack during the game but wasn't hungry so sucked on a candy cane (1 pt) instead.
Went to Aldi's today and got carried away with produce. It all looked so good. I'm making stuffed peppers for supper but also got fresh spinach, romaine lettuce, mushrooms, asparagus, cabbage, peppers, bananas and apples. Told Jim we will be having lots of good veggie this week. Think I'll do stir fry tomorrow. Aldi's is now carrying 93% lean ground beef along with the ground turkey. They both have the same nutritionals. Turkey is cheaper but the beef has better flavor. With all that and some frozen fruit I got out for $30.
Well, better get back to the sewing. I want to finish a quilt top before tomorrow.
Have a good day. Congrats to all of you who have lost.


Re: Daily commitment 2/2

I lost 1.6 lbs. today, came home and over ate. Why oh why do I do such stupid things? I'll have a better day tomorrow.


Re: Daily commitment 2/2

checking in at the end of the day instead of the beginning, but it's been an OP day...mom moved from hospital to skilled nursing place...went to gym, work, to get her settled and am cooking a good OP dinner. Hugs to you all, Maaj

Re: Daily commitment 2/2

Just now realizing that I never did get back on here to say I was being OP for the day. I had an appointment at 10:00 this a.m. and my day was down the tubes from then on as faar as getting anything done. I have been really sleepy today. The week-end sort of wore me out, I guess.

Tomorrow will be better, maybe I will wake up with a little more energy!