I, too, am new to Aimee's site and was hoping that there would be some activity on the message board. Maybe you and I can get the ball re-rolling! I'm on my unteenth rendition of Weight Watchers, but somehow I think this may be the time that clicks. Hope springs eternal, eh? I need to lose 85 pounds to get to my ideal weight, so I should be here for the duration. I have two kids - my son just starting college and my daughter a Junior this year. We've homeschooled all the way through, plus, I've had my parents living on our property for the last four years, so busy, busy! Now it's time to work on ME!
I used to be a regular on here. A lot of people went to Facebook awhile back. This board gave me a lot of support and I took off 80 lbs. with the help of the ladies on the board. I really miss the support that was on here; I don't like posting personal weight loss battles on facebook for all my friends to see my stuggles. This forum always felt "safer."
With that said...I am fighting the battle of the buldge yet again. I've been back On Program, or OP as we called it on here, for a little over a month and I've lost 11 lbs. so far. Not bad for someone w/a thyroid problem.