RAF Ground Crew Forum 1955-1970

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RAF Ground Crew Forum 1955-1970
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Re: Re: RAF Seletar 205 Sqdn Jap Cannon

Does anyone who served on FEFBW at the time of its disbandment know what happened to 205 Squadrons Cannon,I am the person who relieved 205 of it when a sunderland was beached at Jai tak in 1954, I have seen a photo of it when it was reinstated outside FBWHQ Seletar, but what happened to it when the Station closed.

Re: RAF Seletar

Hi 209 Squadron Seletar 1947-49 anyone still around?

Re: RAF Seletar

Do you remember Cyril Jones, Duncan Stenhouse, Gordon Richardson (Instrument fitter) or Bruce Curtis (Armourer). They were on 209 Sqn at the same time as you. They are members of the RAF Seletar Association. We have organised tours to Singapore with a day trip to Seletar (the Association has a good relationship with camp commander); and you can stand on a spot that rekindles specific memories. The newsletters have plenty of info about the flying boats and their carers. If you join you won't regret it.
Roger Edwards

Moved to this forum by John Cooper

Re: RAF Seletar

Someone else asked this question fairly recently about the cannon that went missing outside 205/209 offices. I recall that 205 boys from Changi lifted it one night but that it was retrieved some days after and thence the wheels set in concrete!